National League of NursingNational League of Nursing

The Voice of Nursing Education

Revolutionizing Nursing Education: Unlocking Funding Opportunities Through Innovative Community Practice Partnerships


Logo of the National League for Nursing

What is the benefit of this course?

Identify sources for funding nurse education to make an impact on nursing workforce development.




What you will learn

1. The ability to identify sources for funding nurse education and discuss the impact on workforce development.

2. The ability to describe how academic and practice partners can work together to obtain funding for nurse education.

3. The ability to identify strategies to decrease the cost of nursing education and potential research and scholarly projects to support reduced costs.

How it works

  • Course Length

    1 hour

  • Instruction

    Online, Self-paced

  • Cost

    $30 - Non-members | $27 - Members

  • CEU

    0.1 CEUs / 1 Contact Hour


Who is this course intended for?

This program is intended for nurse educators seeking professional development and continuing education.

What are the course expectations and progression?

This course is self-paced. 

What kind of technology is required?

Learners will need access to a computer, tablet, or smart phone to complete the course.


There will be no cancellations, returns, or exchanges.  No exceptions.  

Price: $30.00